Reactive non-interference for a browser model

Nataliia Bielova, Dominique Devriese, Fabio Massacci, Frank Piessens
2011 2011 5th International Conference on Network and System Security  
We investigate non-interference (secure information flow) policies for web browsers, replacing or complementing the Same Origin Policy. First, we adapt a recently proposed dynamic information flow enforcement mechanism to support asynchronous I/O. We prove detailed security and precision results for this enforcement mechanism, and implement it for the Featherweight Firefox browser model. Second, we investigate three useful web browser security policies that can be enforced by our mechanism, and demonstrate their value and limitations.
doi:10.1109/icnss.2011.6059965 dblp:conf/nss/BielovaDMP11 fatcat:5zjtwnukhzhtvm4rb6chxiowyi