Pulmonary sarcoidosis in a patient with ankylosing spondylitis treated with infliximab

R Almodóvar, M Izquierdo, P Zarco, F Quirós, R Mazzucchelli, B Steen, Spain Almodóvar, Mercedes Izquierdo, Pedro Zarco, Francisco Quirós, Ramón Mazzucchelli, Bárbara Steen
We present a case of a 34 year-old male diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis. After two years of treatment with inf-liximab, the patient developed a clinical picture compatible with stage II thoracic sarcoidosis. These findings resulted in the interruption of infliximab therapy. The patient was not administered new treatment since respiratory function testing did not confirm harmful repercussions. After a follow-up of 1 year, the patient is asymptomatic and radiologic tests show complete
more » ... tion of pulmonary infiltrates and me-diastinal and bilateral hilar lymphad-enopathy.