Customer Satisfaction as a Marketing Concept in Higher Education

Berislav Andrlic, Hrvoje Budic, Vjekoslav Pismis
2013 Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi: Ştiinţe Economice  
Measuring customer satisfaction is a very important aspect of marketing strategy. For the organizational's survival in the long run it is indisputable to have the ability to retain the customers. Retaining customers is more profitable than attracting new ones because it is easier to sell a product or service to a someone who has already used it, rather than someone to whom is product or service completely unknown. In order to measure customer satisfaction primary datas were collected using a
more » ... t method on a sample of students, by a questionnaire in a physical form, analyzing the basic elements of educational process. Also, by researching relevant national and international professional and scientific literature the test method was described, and all of its models. Finally, in the conclusion, the basic thoughts about the paper are revealed through the presentation of practical advantages and disadvantages of marketing concept of satisfaction, and reviewing recent trends in communication with students.
doi:10.2478/aicue-2013-0012 fatcat:z6qsus5ld5hd3kw3jgldbijbeu