Challenges and possibilities of the central city revitalization system in the revitalization of central city areas

Moe Mizoguchi, Ayaka Ikeda, Rui Izumiyama, Katsuya Uozaki
2022 Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan  
Central city areas are in decline due to population decline and the concentration of population in metropolitan areas. Nevertheless, revitalizing central city areas remains a challenge for local cities. In this paper, we analyzed the projects implemented in the basic plan and conducted a questionnaire survey. The results show that the central city revitalization system lacks support for soft projects and imposes a heavy administrative burden. Its enhancement would make it easier for local
more » ... ments to use the system and create a continuous bustling atmosphere.
doi:10.11361/reportscpij.21.2_251 fatcat:n5yf77wkynfw7lh3534lvjgewy