Zusammenhänge zwischen der somatischen Zeitzahl und einigen eutermorphologischen Eigenschaften

L. Gulyas, J. Ivancsics
2001 Archives Animal Breeding  
Title of the paper: <b>Relationship between the somatic cell count and certain udder-morphologic traits</b><br> The authors carried out their udder-morphologic (the shape, hanging (up) and depth of udder; the length and diameter of teats and the space between them; the length of <i>ductus papillaris</i>) research in a high blood-share black-spotted Holstein-Friesian (R<sub>3</sub>-R<sub>4</sub>) cow population in a West Hungarian large dairy farm with a stock of 500 cows, <br><br> The results
more » ... examinations carried out by groups offspring draw the attention to the close correlation (r = 0.62&amp;ndash;0.88) between certain udder-morphologic traits and the pigmentation of teats as well as between the values of somatic cell count. <br><br> Furthermore, the authors observed that there is also a close correlation (r = &amp;minus;0.58&amp;ndash;&amp;minus;0.89 between the length of teat duct (<i>ductus papillaris</i>) and the values of somatic cell count. <br><br> All biological characteristics (udder-morphologic, pigmentation of teats, length of <i>ductus papillaris</i>) together with those influencing somatic cell count are to be taken into account in the selection work having the aim of decreasing somatic cell count.
doi:10.5194/aab-44-15-2001 fatcat:mr5enidmtrg5jf5w43cqp4s6de