An Experimental Study on Structural Behaviors of Double Shear Bolted Connections Fabricated with Ferritic Stainless Steel (STS430)

2013 Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction  
Many experimental and numerical researches for thin-walled carbon steel and austenitic stainless steel single shear bolted connections have been conducted and the modified design equations of ultimate strength were proposed. In this study, the tests of double shear bolted connections with bolt arrangements (2×1, 2×2) and end distance parallel to the loading direction as main variables were performed. Specimens were planed with a constant dimension of edge distance perpendicular to the loading
more » ... rection, bolt diameter, pitch and gauge like single shear bolted connections. The test results such as ultimate strength and fracture mode were compared with those of current design standards. Furthermore, modified block shear equations for double shear bolted connections were suggested.
doi:10.7781/kjoss.2013.25.5.463 fatcat:phemtowup5dyte4zt3r6airvym