High Resolution Digital Duty Cycle Modulation Schemes for Voltage Regulators

Jian Li, Yang Qiu, Yi Sun, Bin Huang, Ming Xu, Dong S. Ha, Fred C. Lee
2007 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition. Conference Proceedings  
High switching frequency, high resolution digital pulse-width modulator (DPWM) is one of major challenges in the implementation of digital-controlled power converters, especially in the voltage regulator (VR) application. This paper proposes three different digital duty cycle modulation schemes to improve the resolution. Almost 10 times improvement on resolution can be achieved in the voltage regulator (VR) apparition. Design difficulty of the DPWM can be greatly reduced by proposed modulation
more » ... chemes. Experimental results verify those modulation concepts.*
doi:10.1109/apex.2007.357617 fatcat:rwgqscdzv5bnxovjrzaukexiua