Systematic design of a 200 MS/s 8-bit interpolating/averaging A/D converter

J. Vandenbussche, K. Uyttenhove, E. Lauwers, M. Steyaert, G. Gielen
2002 Proceedings - Design Automation Conference  
The systematic design of a high-speed, high-accuracy Nyquistrate A/D converter is proposed. The presented design methodology covers the complete flow and is supported by software tools. A generic behavioral model is used to explore the A/D converter's specifications during high-level design and exploration. The inputs to the flow are the specifications of the A/D converter and the technology process. The result is a generated layout and the corresponding extracted behavioral model. The approach
more » ... has been applied to a real-life test case, where a Nyquist-rate 8-bit 200 MS/s 4-2 interpolating/averaging A/D converter was developed for a WLAN application.
doi:10.1145/514028.514032 fatcat:nybytytqknhzdnofbril5wupw4