A Study on Motion Visualization System Using Motion Capture Data

Yuko Tashiro, Tsuyoshi Saitoh
2007 17th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT 2007)  
In this paper, we describe a development of the Motion Visualization System which make us understand intuitively a series of action of an actor by coordinates information obtained from motion capture system (MC System). The MC System we use is wireless magnetic type and has 11 sensors each which give us position and angle data. To visualize the motion of limbs, we transform momentary position and/or angle data from corresponding sensor into color lines and place the line in a row every moment.
more » ... s a result, the motion of a sensor is shown as an image like a color belt on display. The idea of this method is based on principle of slit camera. Once the image is generated, we can get some characteristics of motion by image processing techniques without original sensor data. Some examples of the image and extracted features from the image will be shown.
doi:10.1109/icat.2007.53 dblp:conf/icat/TashiroS07 fatcat:bgzoszvuxvbp7hogf7ue4pv3oi