Apologetics of pramonotheism in Orthodox thought of XIX - beginning. XX century

G.D. Pankov
2002 Ukrainian Religious Studies  
The theory of pramonotheism is an important part of the theological conception of religion. Its founder is an Austrian theologian of the twentieth century. W. Schmidt. However, this theory was advanced and developed even before Schmidt in the Orthodox thought of the twentieth century, in which it was called "the doctrine of the original monotheism." The theory of pramonotheism was developed in the field of basic theology (apologetics) with the task of comprehending the emergence and evolution
more » ... religion in the paradigm of Christian monotheism, as well as to refute views of religion only in the context of the natural laws of human consciousness and social life.
doi:10.32420/2003.25.1424 fatcat:534ouqsa7bfyfivgjj7ikbq5ke