Was There Federalism in the Brazilian Empire? A Case of Contrast Between Federal State and Federalism in 19th Century

Leonam Liziero
2019 International Journal of Law and Public Administration  
This article aims to demonstrate that there were federative relations during the Empire of Brazil, with some reform during the regency period. The methodology used to measure the results focuses on the use of bibliographic sources from the 19th century and from more recent studies on the scope of the article. In addition, the use of documentary sources is present, since legislation of nineteenth-century Brazil is used, in particular, the Additional Act of 1834, which gives name to the present
more » ... rk. Although expressly provided for in the 1824 Political Charter that Brazil would constitute a Unitary State, in practice the increased regional concentration of political power led to a functioning situation such as a decentralized federal State. To this end, it begins with a brief demonstration of the antecedents of the Constitution of 1824. It then proceeds to treat the provision of this Constitution about the political organization to finally discuss the effects caused by the Additional Act of 1834.
doi:10.11114/ijlpa.v2i2.4646 fatcat:eeg3cyp35nfyndxu6lcpqxedca