Shared Aperture Multibeam Forming of Time-Modulated Linear Array

Li-juan Sun, Zhen-kai Zhang, Hamid Esmaeili Najafabadi
2019 Complexity  
A novel technique is proposed in this paper for shared aperture multibeam forming in a complex time-modulated linear array. First, a uniform line array is interleaved randomly to form two sparse array subarrays. Subsequently, the theory of time modulation for linear arrays is applied in the constructed subarrays. In the meantime, the switch-on time sequences for each element of the two subarrays are optimized by an optimized differential evolution (DE) algorithm, i.e., the scaling factor of the
more » ... sinusoidal iterative chaotic system and the adaptive crossover probability factor are used to enhance the diversity of the population. Lastly, the feasibility of the new technique is verified by the comparison between this technique and the basic multibeam algorithm in a shared aperture and the algorithm of iterative FFT. The results of simulations confirm that the proposed algorithm can form more desired beams, and it is superior to other similar approaches.
doi:10.1155/2019/4101909 fatcat:2f6sc3zohvddrif5thpgnbkngu