"Trade-Off between Detection and Resolution of Two Point Objects Under Various Conditions of Imaging Situations: Part-I: Mathematical Formulation of the Problem"

P. Thirupathi P. Thirupathi
2013 IOSR Journal of Mathematics  
It is a well-experienced fact that whenever one tries to detect a weak object point in the vicinity of an intense point object, viz., a binary star-SIRUS and its companion weak satellite star, there is always loss of resolution of the optical system. In other words, one wants to improve the defectively of the system, there is always a loss of resolution capabilities of the system. Thus, there is a trade-off between Detection and Resolution of optical systems under various imaging situations. In
more » ... this first paper of discussion of this trade-off, we have derived the Fourier analytical formulation of this problem. This formulation will be used to find out a compatible trade-off between Detection and Resolution in our further publications.
doi:10.9790/5728-0654555 fatcat:bqqxejuasrgkfisoga3hj4cqwu