Motion Interpolation with Bennett Biarcs [chapter]

Hans-Peter Schröcker, Bert Jüttler
2009 Computational Kinematics  
We present an interpolation scheme for first order Hermite motion data (two positions with associated instantaneous screws specifying the tangent vector fields) that is based on a generalization of the classic biarc construction to curves on quadrics. The result is a sequence of Bennett motions. These motions possess several properties that make them particularly useful for motion interpolation, especially for applications requiring collision detection. We suggest methods for choosing the free
more » ... arameter that determines the interpolating pair of Bennett motions and we demonstrate how to obtain an interpolation algorithm which is invariant with respect to changes in the moving and the fixed coordinate frame.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-01947-0_13 fatcat:oklhb5iup5go5mjvwkvqj2x5qe