Pelagic Juveniles of Two Morids (Teleostei: Gadiformes: Moridae), Antimora microlepis and Physiculus japonicus, from the Western North Pacific

Makoto Okamoto, Naoshi Sato, Takashi Asahida, Yoshiro Watanabe
2007 Species Diversity  
Pelagic juveniles of two morids, Antimora microlepis Bean, 1890 and Pbysiculus j(rponicus Hilgendort 1879, were colleeted by midwater t.rawl (O-20m depth) frem transition waters between the Oyashio and Kuroshio fironts ef the western North Pacific in May, 1989. Juveniles of A. microtqpis (13 specimens. 30.2-54,3mm standard length, SL> characteristieally have an elengated body, posteriorly, positioned anus, 24-25 precaudal vertebrae, chin with a barbel, no ventral luminous organ, elongated
more » ... fin rays, and a non-protruding snout. Juveniles of P. jmponicus (six specimens, 20.4-39.0mm SL) characteristically have an elongated body, chin with a barbel, ventral luminous organ anterior to the anus, elongated pelvic fin rays, a pointed caudal fin, glO dorsal fin rays, 6070 second dorsal fin rays, 6&72 anal fin rays, six pelvic fin rays, 16=41A2 vertebrae, and ca. 130 lengitudinal scales.
doi:10.12782/specdiv.12.17 fatcat:3ofoikgcpfgtfmrlsp7nhn4uay