A Study on Perception and Nursing Activity for Patient Safety of Operating Room Nurses
수술실 간호사의 환자안전의식과 안전관리활동

So-Jeong Park, Eun-Hee Choi, Kyeong-Soo Lee, Kwi-Ae Chung
2016 Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society  
This study aimed to investigate the awareness and performance of safety in operating room nurses. There were 161 operating room nurses from eight general hospitals included for analysis in this study. The data were analyzed with t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis, and Scheffe's test. The results show that their perception of patient safety was 3.33 out of a total of 5 points. Moreover, the score of safety management activity for patients in the operating room was 4.28 out of 5 points.
more » ... s the perception of patient safety in operating room nurses was significantly correlated with their safety management activities, nurses with higher awareness of patient safety were found to have higher degree of performance of safety management activities. In conclusion, to improve safety management activities, open discussion about patient safety should be encouraged and periodic education regarding patient safety should be implemented for operating room nurses to increase the perception of patient safety.
doi:10.5762/kais.2016.17.11.332 fatcat:lhn57dlvsfh2biy6b3odrt2m4q