The Comparative Monitoring of Endem Rare and Endangered Trees and Shrubs in Azerbaijan

Tofig Mammadov, Elman Iskender, Vagif Novruzov
2017 International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences  
In research work are comparative analyzed rare and endangered trees and shrubs existed in Azerbaijan Republic natural flora, there are analyzed the factors that lead to the disappearance of the species, to the lead of species reduction and disappearance of total families, the risk categories have been identified and defined the solution ways of the problems. There are identified 6,000 species in comparative analysis of Azerbaijan flora. From them more than 1,600 species are trees and shrubs
more » ... ies. It is approximately 37.5% of the trees and bushes of total Azerbaijan flora. It was revealed that on the basis of monitoring 38 families, 63 genus, 188 species of trees and shrubs should be included in the category of rare and endangered species in the Azerbaijan dendroflora.They are evaluated the current protection status and recommended to be included to the "Red Book" classified by IUCN (2001) adopted categories version 3.1, by taxa classification using of APG III system.  Index Terms-flora biodiversity, plant species, Caucasus region, rare and endem species
doi:10.18178/ijpmbs.6.1.24-28 fatcat:7o64gafn4rdzlloyhws3w6dcc4