Light-induced backward scattering in LiNbO3:Fe,Zn

Qiang Wu, Jingjun Xu, Qian Sun, Xinzheng Zhang, Haijun Qiao, Baiquan Tang, Guangyin Zhang, Min Gu
2002 Applied Physics Letters  
We investigated the light-induced backward scattering in doubly doped lithium niobate crystals and observed an intensity threshold effect. It will be shown that scattering microregions are locally recorded in the sample by holographic interaction due to the existence of the threshold effect. Experimental results of multilayer recording point out that this property could be used for high-density multilayer-like bit data optical storage while keeping high signal-to-noise ratio.
doi:10.1063/1.1529083 fatcat:r7nyjqplhvbjhdlzkcjm3nygdy