Near-infrared scattering spectrum differences between benign and malignant breast tumors measured in vivo with diffuse tomography

Brian Pogue, Shudong Jiang, Subhadra Srinivasan, Xiaomei Song, Hamid Dehghani, Keith Paulsen, Tor Tosteson, Christine Kogel, Sandra Soho, Steven P.. Poplack
2004 Biomedical Topical Meeting   unpublished
Astract: Near-infrared spectral tomographic imaging was used to show that a statistically significant difference exists in the spectral scattering power and amplitude between a group of benign (n=7) and malignant (n=6) tumor tissues imaged in vivo.
doi:10.1364/bio.2004.thb1 fatcat:udmepqzvwvcfvilorj5rp76t7m