Latesh Chaudhary
International Journal of Advances in Engineering Research International Journal of Advances in Engineering Research   unpublished
To deal with many everyday choices that the modern life offers, we seek out opinions of our knowledgeable friends about things we are not sure about. In the web domain, several commercial and social networking sites employ many user and item filtering techniques to recommend items (i.e. products and services) to its users. Such techniques are known as Recommender Systems. Various techniques have been proposed for performing recommendations which include content-based filtering, collaborative
more » ... tering, hybrid and others. Collaborative filtering technique which is based on matching users having similar preferences is the most popular technique used by many websites offering recommendations to its users. But it is noted that this recommender technique is limited by the problem of sparsity and scalability. It is our attempt to suggest a new technique of incorporating trust in the Collaborative Filtering Recommender System by first partitioning the user database using clustering, on the basis of trust values assigned by users to each other, in order to get a dense group of similar users and then applying the trust values obtained between the users of that group to calculate the similarity of their preferences. Once the users have thus been matched on the basis of trust, we can generate the recommendations for the current user who is the nearest neighbor of this particular partition. RECOMMENDER SYSTEM We have all the comforts in the world today. Our homes are full of items and gadgets like Refrigerators, Air Conditioners, Music System, Television, Microwave, etc. which make our life much more easier and relaxed. We have Mobile Phones that help us to stay connected anywhere, anytime. We have Computers with internet connection that brings the world wide knowledge literally on our fingertips. With the help of Internet distances don't matter and we can cull any information from any part of the world on host of topics ranging from the field of Agriculture to Astronomy or from Music to Medicine, etc. We are living in a world where our wants are limitless and possibilities are endless. Yet modern lifestyle has its own pitfalls and attendant problems. The biggest problem that we face today is the problem of choice. Choices available to us over the World Wide Web are limitless and so alluring that it is almost impossible to come to an intelligent decision. Whatever we may want to do or whatever we may want to buy, there seems to be a deluge of choices available to us. Along with the problem of choice comes the problem of trust. A layman with no technical knowledge desirous of buying a simple household item like an HDTV is confronted with so much International Journal of Advances in Engineering Research