Cognitive Impairment in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex

J Gordon Millichap
2008 Pediatric Neurology Briefs  
association and linkage studies. Linkage, association, and mutation analyses are the most common methods of evaluating candidate genes in epilepsy. The authors advocate the integration of results from different experimental methods rather than insisting only on replication. Discovery of susceptibility genes and their association with drug responsiveness and sideeffects should permit new diagnostic and therapeutic options in the management of the epilepsies. (Helbig I, Scheffer IE, Mulley JC,
more » ... kovic SF. Navigating the channels and beyond: unravelling the genetics of the epilepsies.
doi:10.15844/pedneurbriefs-22-4-3 fatcat:wusl277uzvaadgodxqovaw2gra