Keck Interferometer Observations of Classical and Weak‐line T Tauri Stars

R. L. Akeson, A. F. Boden, J. D. Monnier, R. Millan‐Gabet, C. Beichman, J. Beletic, N. Calvet, L. Hartmann, L. Hillenbrand, C. Koresko, A. Sargent, A. Tannirkulam
2005 Astrophysical Journal  
We present observations of the T Tauri stars BP Tau, DG Tau, DI Tau, GM Aur, LkCa 15, RW Aur and V830 Tau, using long baseline infrared interferometry at K band (2.2 microns) from the Keck Interferometer. The target sources have a range of mass accretion rates and excess near-infrared emission. The interferometer is most sensitive to extended emission on characteristic size scales of 1 to 5 millarcseconds. All sources show evidence for resolved K band emission on these scales, although a few of
more » ... the sources are marginally consistent with being unresolved. We calculate the infrared excess based on fitting stellar photosphere models to the optical photometry and estimate the physical size of the emission region using simple geometric models for the sources with a significant infrared excess. Assuming that the K band resolved emission traces the inner edge of the dust disk, we compare the measured characteristic sizes to predicted dust sublimation radii and find that the models require a range of dust sublimation temperatures and possibly optical depths within the inner rim to match the measured radii.
doi:10.1086/497436 fatcat:77e2uyl2gjamneangigrzletsu