The Role of Kisspeptin in the Ovarian Cycle, Pregnancy, and Fertility [chapter]

Erin Ahart, Elaine Phillips, Michael Wolfe, Courtney Marsh
2021 Infertility and Assisted Reproduction [Working Title]  
Kisspeptins are a group of neuropeptides with regulatory functions related to puberty, fertility, and reproduction. They are primarily produced by hypothalamic nuclei and are thought to regulate the activity of neurons that produce gonadotropin-releasing hormone. They are also expressed by placental syncytiotrophoblasts in developing pregnancies and are likely involved in the processes of trophoblast invasion and placentation. Similarly to beta-hCG, kisspeptins are found in maternal plasma
more » ... g the first trimester of pregnancy and increase proportionately with gestational age. Because of their role in implantation, there is currently interest in the use of kisspeptins as minimally invasive biomarkers. It is suspected that maternal kisspeptin levels have diagnostic potential in identifying viable early pregnancies.
doi:10.5772/intechopen.98446 fatcat:ivzxelpok5he7lm2owtcmgoway