Staphylococcal microorganisms in early stages of human dental plaque

Fumiko Mizuno, Ayako Yamamoto, Yumiko Eto, Mitsuyoshi Takahashi, Kenshiro Takamori
1982 Japanese Journal of Oral Biology  
Streptococcus, Neisseria and Rothia have been reported to be the predominant bacteria in early stages of dental plaque. In the course of the study, aerobic or facultatively anaerobic gram positive cocci resembling staphylococci (other than streptococci) were found in the early dental plaque. In this experiment, these staphylococcal organisms were isolated, and specified. Dental plaque collected from the labial surfaces of the upper incisors at O, 4 and 12 hours after tooth brushing was
more » ... d on BHI agar medium and incubated aerobically. The colonies
doi:10.2330/joralbiosci1965.24.205 fatcat:7tfq3zvhifch5dockyv2lzhjj4