An Efficient Identification Algorithm in a Low SNR Channel
저 SNR을 갖는 채널에서 효율적인 인식 알고리즘

Jeewon Hwang, Juphil Cho
2014 The Journal of the Korean Institute of Information and Communication Engineering  
Identification of communication channels is a problem of important current theoretical and practical concerns. Recently proposed solutions for this problem exploit the diversity induced by antenna array or time oversampling. The method resorts to an adaptive filter with a linear constraint. In this paper, an approach is proposed that is based on decomposition. Indeed, the eigenvector corresponding to the minimum eigenvalue of the covariance matrix of the received signals contains the channel
more » ... ulse response. And we present an adaptive algorithm to solve this problem. Proposed technique shows the better performance than one of existing algorithms .
doi:10.6109/jkiice.2014.18.4.790 fatcat:cj7yemdtrfbkjjjnnn422xmgyy