Promoting the Construction of the Experiment Center of School of Optical-electrical and Computer Engineering through ASIIN Accreditation

Yujun Tang, Boqing Xu, Xiangmei Dong, Niyong Shen
2014 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Science and Social Research   unpublished
With the increasing of the international education communication, many local universities are studying the overseas professional training mode, emphasizing the practice and innovation. In order to make our education level meet the international standards, and provide students a better platform to practice, it is urgent to enhance the construction of the experiment center. Through ASIIN, we improved the whole quality of the experiment center from the aspects including the laboratory resources,
more » ... periment contents, experiment management and teachers.
doi:10.2991/icssr-14.2014.48 fatcat:ozbzofg6knhchct7ojlnduiile