The expansion of adult stem/progenitor cells and their marker expression fluctuations are linked with pituitary plastic adaptation during gestation and lactancy

Alicia Maldré Vaca, Carolina Beatriz Guido, Liliana del Valle Sosa, Juan Pablo Nicola, Jorge Mukdsi, Juan Pablo Petiti, Alicia Ines Torres
2016 American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism  
Extensive evidence has revealed variations in the number of hormone-producing cells in the pituitary gland, which occur under physiological conditions such as gestation and lactancy. It has been proposed that new hormone-producing cells differentiate from stem cells. However, exactly how and when this takes place is not clear. In this work, we used immunoelectron microscopy to identify adult pituitary stem/progenitor cells (SC/P) localized in the marginal zone (MZ), and additionally, we
more » ... GFRa2-, Sox2-, and Sox9-positive cells in the adenoparenchyma (AP) by fluorescence microscopy. Then, we evaluated fluctuations of SC/P mRNA and protein level markers in MZ and AP during gestation and lactancy. An upregulation in stemness markers was shown at term of gestation (AT) in MZ, whereas there were more progenitor cell markers in the middle of gestation and active lactancy. Concerning committed cell markers, we detected a rise in AP at beginning of lactancy (d1L). We performed a BrdU uptake analysis in MZ and AP cells. The highest level of BrdU uptake was observed in MZ AT cells, whereas in AP this was detected in d1L, followed by a decrease in both the MZ and AP. Finally, we detected double immunostaining for BrdU-GFRa2 in MZ AT cells and BrdU-Sox9 in the AP d1L cells. Taken together, we hypothesize that the expansion of the SC/P niche took place mainly in MZ from pituitary rats in AT and d1L. These results suggest that the SC niche actively participates in pituitary plasticity during these reproductive states, contributing to the origin of hormone cell populations. pituitary gland; stem cell/progenitor markers; marginal zone; gestation; lactancy THE PITUITARY GLAND IS A CENTRAL REGULATOR of growth, reproduction, and endocrine physiology and functions by relaying signals from the hypothalamus to various target organs. Its major endocrine function resides in the pars distalis (PD), which contains five different specialized hormone-producing cell types whose proportions can alter under different physiological conditions (31), such as the reproductive cycle (23),
doi:10.1152/ajpendo.00077.2016 pmid:27302752 fatcat:emsyqr4zhrcsbjnrjxa3exp7oa