Verified programming in Guru

Aaron Stump, Morgan Deters, Adam Petcher, Todd Schiller, Timothy Simpson
2008 Proceedings of the 3rd workshop on Programming languages meets program verification - PLPV '09  
Operational Type Theory (OpTT) is a type theory allowing possibly diverging programs while retaining decidability of type checking and a consistent logic. This is done by distinguishing proofs and (program) terms, as well as formulas and types. The theory features propositional equality on type-free terms, which facilitates reasoning about dependently typed programs. OpTT has been implemented in the GURU verified programming language, which includes a type-and proof-checker, and a compiler to
more » ... ficient C code. In addition to the core OpTT, GURU implements a number of extensions, including ones for verification of programs using mutable state and input/output. This paper gives an introduction to verified programming in GURU.
doi:10.1145/1481848.1481856 dblp:conf/plpv/StumpDPSS09 fatcat:rejqclc2qnhvjhwvrdqxqrsvme