Burden and Psychological Well-being among Schizophrenia Patients' Caregivers [post]

2021 unpublished
Abstract:There exists definite scarcity of studies seeking burden nd psychological well-being among caregivers andinterfacing among them. This study therefore is aimed to investigate burden and psychological well-being amongSchizophrenia patients' caregiver for this purpose, sample of 100 patients facing schizophrenia and caregivers ofsuch patients was selected at random from patients admitted in female and male wards of psychiatric center, KarachiPakistan as per exclusion and inclusion
more » ... selected and used the PGWI (Psychological General Well-beingIndex) and BAS (Burden Assessment Schedule).Results of study identified that about 8 percent of caregivers reported that they were experiencing the moderateburden levels while caring for schizophrenia patients while older people felt relatively more burden (r = 0.334)while spouses (po 0.0001). In addition results revealed that the psychological well-being is relatively lower amongold age caregivers (r = 0.44) and among the caregivers with higher in siblings and lower in education status (p =0.002). Study identified strong negative relationship between psychological well-being and burden (r = -0.81)among caregivers, giving care to schizophrenia patients.Study, therefore concluded that the care given to the patients of schizophrenia is depending on primary caregivers,therefore it is essential and important to plan necessary strategies and interventions in order to minimize andreducing the burden, resulted into improved psychological well-being.Keywords: Schizophrenia, Psychological well-being, burden, caregivers.
doi:10.31219/osf.io/eqp3r fatcat:jxb4rpisyzhbpbajbozjgw6pre