The right to educational academic freedom in the context of modern pandemic threats

I.M. Zharovska
2021 Analytical and Comparative Jurisprudence  
The article focuses on human rights violations during the current pandemic of 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated a number of significant threats, including the right to education and the right to academic freedom of education at both the primary and higher professional levels. Discrimination in this area should be considered a primary shortcoming. In particular, this is due to problems in terms of content, method and fair assessment of the task, and the very real danger that some
more » ... cts of the educational process will be disadvantaged due to certain background, indirect phenomena. It is stated that after the COVID-19 pandemic, public authorities will have a new function, namely to be responsible for ensuring the right to education by encouraging schools and institutions to adapt their teaching and learning to new circumstances, supporting them in this matter and developing a framework to support educational services in areas particularly affected by the economic and social pandemic. It has been proved that tolerance of ambiguity, autonomous learning skills and analytical and critical thinking are some of the competencies in the model that can help students adapt to the uncertainties of current and future crises constructively and innovatively, avoiding pitfalls and radicalization, leading to violence or authoritarianism. Unused opportunities also play an important role. The information society on children's digital lives over the last decade has focused primarily on their safety and security in the digital environment, rather than to expand their capabilities through education or the acquisition of competencies for active participation in the digital society.
doi:10.24144/2788-6018.2021.01.4 fatcat:lpb4y7bjfndz7l6xgzmjmcmyra