Evaluation of selected reproductive parametres in gilts and loss of piglets after repopulation

Pavel Nevrkla, Marie Čechová, Zdeněk Hadaš
2013 Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis  
NEVRKLA PAVEL, ČECHOVÁ MARIE, HADAŠ ZDENĚK: Evaluation of selected reproductive parametres in gilts and loss of piglets a er repopulation. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 2013, LXI, No. 5, pp. 1357-1364 The aim of this study was to evaluate selected parametres of reproduction in sows in the fi rst litter and piglets loss from birth to weaning a er repopulation in a production sow herd. Observed parametres were evaluated in two commercial programs. An
more » ... imental group consisted of 80 gilts (40 in commercial program A and 40 in commercial programm B). Gained values of the total number of piglets per litter were 16.23 ± 2.26 from gilts in the program A and 15.63 ± 2.13 from gilts in the program B. Evaluation of live-born piglets per litter showed numbers of 14.74 ± 2.09 in the program A and 14.50 ± 2.10 in the program B. Numbers of stillborn piglets per litter were 1.48 ± 1.30 for gilts in the program A against 1.13 ± 1.42 for gilts in the program B and numbers of reared piglets per litter were 13.20 ± 1.52 in the program A against 13.68 ± 2.00 in the program B. Statistical evaluation confi rmed no signifi cant diff erences between the two commertial programs in the selected reproductive parametres. Piglet losses from birth to weaning were also evaluated. In the program A 1.55 ± 1.48 piglets were lost per a gilt against 0.83 ± 1.39 in the program B. The percentage of piglet loss was 9.55 ± 9.04 in the program A and 5.28 ± 8.67 in the program B. The statisticaly signifi cant diff erence (P ≤ 0.05) was proved between the two commercial programs. The values found by the experiment in both programs can be considered very competitive therefore recovery by the means of repopulation and induction of SPF herds can be recommended.
doi:10.11118/actaun201361051357 fatcat:acfowiztbvgfrjpoagbhibx2hu