Light Microscopy for Teaching-Learning in Histology Practical in Undergraduate Medical Education of Bangladesh-a Teachers' Perspective

R. Ahmed, K.M. Shamim, H.K. Talukdar, S. Parvin
2018 South-East Asian Journal of Medical Education  
Objectives: This study was aimed at looking into the perceptions of Bangladeshi teachers of Anatomy regarding the advantages and disadvantages of using glass slide and microscope in the teachinglearning of Histology in the practical classes at the undergraduate level of medical education in Bangladesh. Methods: Interviews were carried out with 21 teachers of Anatomy from ten medical colleges of Bangladesh Results: The interviewee teachers identified five basic advantages of traditional light
more » ... roscopy in the teaching-learning of practical Histology. They were: positive psychological impact on students, contributions in long-time memorization of topics, development of practical skills and development of diagnostic capability, and direct one-to-one contact. The five basic disadvantages identified were: difficulty in understanding by the students, difficulty in guidance and feedback, inadequacy of good slides, difficulty in arranging revision classes and discomfort in handling microscopes. Use of computer-based supporting aids has been suggested for improving the teaching and learning. Conclusions: Study findings revealed several advantages and disadvantages of traditional light microscopy based practical Histology teaching-learning as perceived by the teachers. Suggestions regarding improvement through blending computer based supporting aids to the traditional light microscopy were also noted.
doi:10.4038/seajme.v12i1.39 fatcat:5am4xhl3anbp3gcimovmm3gvge