Oxygen-nutrient relationships in the Pacific Ocean

S. Alvarez-Borrego
1975 Ciencias Marinas  
In the northeastern Pacific Otean the oxygen-phosphatc and oxygen-nitratc relationships vary systematically with latitude. The variation above the oxygen minimum zone is much more pronounced than below it. The slopes of these relationships in general increase with increasing latitude. In the entire water column these slopes vary with depth. A seasonnl effect on the slopes of the oxygen-phosphate and oxygen-nitrate relationships, similar to that with decreasing latitude, is observed; the winter
more » ... lopes are higher than the summcr slopes. Potential temperature versus preformed phosphate diagrams were constructcd for different stations in the Pacific and Indian Oceans to study their water masses. LIhlNOLUGY AN O<:EANOCHAI'IIY
doi:10.7773/cm.v2i1.263 fatcat:h2rktkkturcetcxcb3vwvn2aim