Impact of the Game Cyberpunk 2077 on Cyberpunk Culture

Jialu Sun, Zhaotong Zhou
2022 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research   unpublished
Cyberpunk has been a popular word in contemporary world. Most individuals may consider that Cyberpunk is an incredible new word. However, Cyberpunk appears myriad years ago as a distinct forms to now. While there are various ways to define Cyberpunk, the game Cyberpunk 2077 is the most remarkable form that shown in public. As a new form of Cyberpunk, we have done research on how this game influence the Cyberpunk culture. It provides a more direct and strong tone visual for audience rather than
more » ... ust reading it. In addition, this tone also brings people reflections on a positive side of future world.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.220131.117 fatcat:hmxdc7tpzzdw3ijzwpvfc3mqui