Developing an Inflatable Solar Array [report]

Patrick K. Malone, Larry Crawford, Geoffrey T. Williams
1993 unpublished
L'Garde is developing a light weight deployable solar array wing in the 200-1000 watt range, on the Inflatable Torus Solar Array Technology Demonstration (ITSAT Demo) Project. The power density goal is 90-100 W/Kg for a 200 W wing. including structure and deployment mechanisms. In Phase I, a proof of concept torus and array was const ructed and deployed in the 1 aboratory. A revi sed Phase 2 Torus and Array are now be; ng fabricated. Phase 3 will be a space flight test. The current design uses
more » ... rystalline Si cells on an AO protected flexible Kapton film substrate folded accordion style for stowage. The support structure is a rectangular frame comprised of two inflated cyl1nders. the array stowage box and its cover. The cylinders, flattened, folded and stored for launch. are deployed by inflating with N~ and ri gi di zed by strai ni ng the cyli nder laminate material controllably beyond the elastic 1 imit. Thi s array is desi gned for optimum power density but. due to availability, some of the components come from excess production runs. Because of thi s. the actual power densi ty of the engineering prototype will be about 15% less than the base 1i ne program array. whi ch USes 2.2 mil crystall ine silicon cells. 4" diameter inflatable tubes. and a 4:1 aspect ratio. This project is funded by ARPA with technical management oversight by the Phillips Laboratory.
doi:10.21236/ada459855 fatcat:nvhsveqderhufbvbsl57z4mwwq