Difficult diagnosis of Infliximab-related miliary tuberculosis

S. Contini, G. Raimondi, P. Graziano, C. Saltini, M. Bocchino
2004 Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease  
The use of Infliximab in the treatment of patients with rheumatoid diseases unresponsive to conventional therapies has been reported to be complicated by opportunistic infections. We report the case of a 56-yr old female rheumatoid arthritis patient complaining of fever and respiratory symptoms 9 months after commencing Infliximab, who received no ethiologic diagnosis for the six months before admission. Tuberculosis was suspected upon chest radiographic pictures and empirical treatment for
more » ... ary tuberculosis instated in the wake of microbiological confirmation. The case typifies the difficulties of diagnosing miliary tuberculosis in the immunocompromised as well as in the immunocompetent patient.
doi:10.4081/monaldi.2004.712 pmid:15510715 fatcat:yrou5gukrbbaffcji2pqt4lt5y