Dynamic framed slotted ALOHA algorithms using fast tag estimation method for RFID system

Jae-Ryong Cha, Jae-Hyun Kim
CCNC 2006. 2006 3rd IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, 2006.  
We propose the ALOHA-based Dynamic Framed Slotted ALOHA algorithm (DFSA) using proposed Tag Estimation Method (TEM) which estimates the number of tags around the reader. We describe the conventional Tag Estimation Method and Dynamic Slot Allocation (DSA), which is the method to dynamically allocate the frame size according to the number of tags. We compare the performance of the proposed DFSA algorithm with the conventional algorithms using simulation. According to the analysis, the proposed
more » ... A algorithm shows better performance than other conventional algorithms regardless of the number of tags because the proposed algorithm has lower complexity and better delay performance.
doi:10.1109/ccnc.2006.1593143 dblp:conf/ccnc/ChaK06 fatcat:ui6my4wzabb35cq6mfl3gnw2qa