Mutoharoh Mutoharoh, Wahyudin Wahyudin
2022 JIEM (Journal of Islamic Education Management)  
The teacher certification program has been developed through collaboration with the government and universities. Teacher certification is an effort to develop teachers' work ethic, competence, and professionalism as well as to create a synergistic work culture in order to achieve educational success and, essentially, to influence national education progress. The study's purpose would be to describe and analyze certified teachers' efforts to manage work culture in order to improve school
more » ... ent. The data is presented in narrative form using descriptive qualitative methods and triangulation analysis. This research project included both certified teachers and students. Observation, interviews, and documentation have been used to collect data. The information collected is presented and explained in narrative form. The results of this analysis revealed that certified teachers have a positive work culture in areas such as learning, which refers to planning, using various methods and approaches, and aspects of knowledge, cognitive, psychomotor, and affective that serve as a reference for assessment. Certified teachers can collaborate with other teacher teams, maintain good relationships, have good communication skills, and are committed to change whenever it comes to managing work culture. MTs Negeri Lohbener has excellent credibility in Indramayu, would be a reference for parents, and succeed in a variety of competitive activities. Following up on these findings, the optimization of certified teacher distribution in educational institutions in remote parts of the country must be repeated in order to create a school work culture that is synergistic toward change and progress in the field of education.
doi:10.24235/jiem.v6i1.10341 fatcat:vi72zhem5bcqhk4ze74cdfxd6e