Volunteer firefighters: A qualitative exploration of critical incidents and applied coping skills [thesis]

Timothy Lentz
Volunteer firefighters have limited up-to-date training and awareness in applied coping skills and trauma informed practice (TIP). Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) has been a standard of practice within emergency services — including fire rescue services — for decades in Northern British Columbia. With new developments in TIP, I suggest we can further improve volunteer firefighters' wellness by exploring specific coping strategies. The purpose of this endeavour was to interview
more » ... er firefighters, explore their experiences, and better understand their coping styles and approaches to managing stress related to the work. In the exploration of critical incident coping skills, a qualitative methodology and thematic analysis was applied. This study adds to the current literature on work-related coping, and hopefully increases awareness of best practices for psychological safety and wellness of volunteer firefighters in Northern British Columbia.
doi:10.24124/2020/59084 fatcat:iul7kh5zebbc5h5fk2ieoqgo2y