A Manual of Treatment by Massage and Methodical Muscle Exercise

1887 Journal of the American Medical Association  
out of the 24 to be amply sufficient. I have never had a single case in which any serious inflammatory trouble has arisen. I was first led to this practice by reading what Professor Fordyce Barker has said of the use of veratrum viride in puerperal fever. I believe I owe my perfect exemption from inflammatory results to this practice directly and specifically. After all severe forceps deliveries and turning operations I do the same thing, and my obstetric record is clear thus far. An ounce of
more » ... evention is better than a pound of cure, and nowhere is this more true than in guard¬ ing against possible ills following so important pro¬ cesses, so intimately connected with the preservation of our homes and the perpetuation of the race. Childbearing is the noblest function, and motherhood the most beautiful and endearing condition of any true woman, and as physicians it is our duty to rob it of every possible danger so far as we can do so.
doi:10.1001/jama.1887.02400160031013 fatcat:fuzgksjgbjddbhf5sxpbi722bi