Injecting Humidified and Heated Air to Meet Peak Power Demands

Michael Nakhamkin, Ronald Wolk, Boris Potashnik, Thomas Butler, Ronald Hall
2000 Volume 3: Heat Transfer; Electric Power; Industrial and Cogeneration   unpublished
The method for combustion turbine (CT) power augmentation denoted as CTHAI, (HAI is an acronym for Humidified Air Injection) allows production of additional megawatt-hours (MWH) at low cost during peak demand periods by injecting externally compressed, humidified, and heated air into a CT upstream of the combustors. Energy Storage and Power Consultants (ESPC) and Parsons Infrastructure Group (Parsons) conducted a study for Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) on the power augmentation of the new
more » ... 121EA combustion turbine by implementing the CTHAI concept. Results of the study demonstrated significant power augmentation and heat rate reduction over the whole range of ambient temperatures, and it was shown to be the most effective at high ambient temperature conditions when reduction in normal unit output is severe (References 1 and 2) . Following these developments, TVA, after exhaustive evaluations and analyses of the CTHAI power augmentation technology and other competitive power augmentation options, decided to demonstrate this concept on one of their operating PG7661 gas turbines at the Colbert Power Plant.
doi:10.1115/2000-gt-0596 fatcat:i5n4kdyivbh65gatifdwow33lu