On multi-dimensional partial differential equations with power nonlinearities in first derivatives
О многомерных уравнениях в частных производных со степенными нелинейностями по первым производным

Igor Vladimirovich Rakhmelevich
2017 Ufimskii Matematicheskii Zhurnal  
We consider a class of multi-dimensional partial differential equations involving a linear differential operator of arbitrary order and a power nonlinearity in the first derivatives. Under some additional assumptions for this operator, we study the solutions of multi-dimensional travelling waves that depend on some linear combinations of the original variables. The original equation is transformed to a reduced one, which can be solved by the separation of variables. Solutions of the reduced
more » ... tion are found for the cases of additive, multiplicative and combined separation of variables.
doi:10.13108/2017-9-1-98 fatcat:x5zte2n33jbvpngdmgshy6as7y