Simple x-ray findings of airway foreign bodies in children

H S Park, O H Kim, Y H Park, Y W Bahk
1989 Journal of the Korean Radiological Society  
The presence of a fo reign body in th e res piratory tract is a seri ous and , on occaSlOn, fatal condition. The earl y di agnosis and removal of the as pirated material may save the patient's chronic illness , in validation, or possibly death C hest X-ray plays an impo rtant role in the diag nosis of ai rway foreig n bodies in c hilre n This retrospective stu dy was performed to detect the lodgement site of as pirated foreign bodies , roentgenographic finding s, and changes in chest X-ray
more » ... rn accord ing to time inte rval following as pirati o n We reviewed th e record and X-ray findin gs of 63 pati ents examined at the department of Radiology, Catholic Uni ve rsity, Medical college , from J an uary 1983 to December 1988 The results are as follows' 16:913-919. 1977 14. Berdon WE, Dee G], Abramson S] et al : Localized 4. Cleveland RH: Symmetry of bronchial angles in pnemothorax .adja cent to a collapsed lobe: A sign of children. Radiology 133:89-93, 1979 bronchial obstruction. Radiology 150:691 -694, 1984 5. Wesenberg RL , Blumhagen ]D: Assisted expiratory % ω
doi:10.3348/jkrs.1989.25.5.818 fatcat:snprzu2havfmzfp6im3pr6tdoa