Zehra Dilşad Çoban, Mustafa Yener, Ahmet Samed Benli, Kerim Amanov, Ertan Altaylı, Halide Demir, Özgür Kılıçarslan, Emre Çavana, Şefik Güran
2016 Cumhuriyet Medical Journal  
Centaury oil (the extract of Hypericum perforatum obtained with olive oil) is traditionally used for the treatment of wounds in Turkey. Centaury oil has analgesic and anti-infectious properties beside wound healing effect. There are many studies about the positive effect of this extract on wound healing in literature. But there is no mention about the animal studies that show which pathways are involved in. In our study the effect of centaury oil in early stages (first 7 days) and late stages
more » ... econd 7 days) of wound healing was showed on the mice (mus. musculus) by creating sterile sutures on their back. Due to our results, centaury oil has positive effects on the surface of the wounds in early stages but has no effect on late stages. This information is explained as centaury oil can be useful if it is used in the first week of the wound. In addition, the gene expression profiles of VEGFA, VEGFB, VEGFC, PDGFB and FGF2 genes which have roles in wound healing via angiogenesis, were studied by RT-PCR method. As a result, the gene expression levels of VEGFA, VEGFB, VEGFC and FGF2 were increased in early stages of wound healing but only VEGFA gene expression level was increased in late stages. The gene expression findings were correlated with morphological findings in both early and late stages of wound healing. Our findings are important for exploring the effect of centaury oil on angiogenesis via VEGFA, VEGFB, VEGFC and FGF2 genes in early stages of wound healing. CMJ Cumhuriyet Medical Journal VEGFB, VEGFC ve FGF2 genlerinin gen ekspresyonları artmakta, geç dönemde bu etki yalnızca VEGFA geninde saptanmaktadır. Erken ve geç dönemde bulunan gen ekspresyonu bulguları saptanan morfolojik özelliklerle korelasyon göstermektedir. Bulgular kantaron yağının erken dönem yara iyileşmesini anjiyogenezde rol oynayan VEGFA, VEGFB, VEGFC ve FGF2 üzerinden yaptığını göstermesi açısından önemlidir. Anahtar sözcükler: Kantaron yağı, Hypericum perforatum, yara iyileşmesi, anjiyogenez, gen.
doi:10.7197/cmj.v38i4.5000101540 fatcat:q57c52m2zvgiho7pzmxvofyssm