On the Reflectance of Uniform Slopes for Normally Incident Interfacial Solitary Waves

Daniel Bourgault, Daniel E. Kelley
2007 Journal of Physical Oceanography  
The collision of interfacial solitary waves with sloping boundaries may provide an important energy source for mixing in coastal waters. Collision energetics have been studied in the laboratory for the idealized case of normal incidence upon uniform slopes. Before these results can be recast into an ocean parameterization, contradictory laboratory findings must be addressed, as must the possibility of a bias owing to laboratory sidewall effects. As a first step, the authors have revisited the
more » ... boratory results in the context of numerical simulations performed with a nonhydrostatic laterally averaged model. It is shown that the simulations and the laboratory measurements match closely, but only for simulations that incorporate sidewall friction. More laboratory measurements are called for, but in the meantime the numerical simulations done without sidewall friction suggest a tentative parameterization of the reflectance of interfacial solitary waves upon impact with uniform slopes.
doi:10.1175/jpo3059.1 fatcat:6jmykr72sffcbph2lqywk4g3lu