Study on Molecular Immunity Mechanism of Porcine Rotavirus VP6 Proteins expressed in Lactobacillus plantarum NC8 [post]

2020 unpublished
Rotaviruses are the main cause of animal and infant diarrhea and are widely distributed worldwide. In the pig industry, porcine rotavirus infection is a significant cause of mortality and morbidity; therefore, the optimization and well-organized distribution of vaccines for infection prevention is needed. The molecularimmunological mechanisms of recombinant Lactobacillus plantarum NC8-pSIP409-pgsA-VP6-Dcpep, NC8-pSIP409-pgsA-VP7-Dcpep and NC8-pSIP409-pgsA-VP6-VP7-Dcpep strains against porcine
more » ... tavirus were explored. At 12 h after the co-incubation of L. plantarum expressing rotavirus proteins with BMDCs, the effects of the strains on the differentiation of BMDCs were detected by FCM. The results showed that the recombinant strains could significantly promote the activation of BMDCs. The expression of cytokines in the above cells supernatants were detected by ELISA and the results suggested that the recombinant strains could significantly increase the production of IL-12P70 and inhibit the secretion of IL-6. CD4 + and CD8 + T cells from the spleen of non-immunized mice were sorted and cultured with the above activated BMDCs for 48h, and the expressions of IFN-γ + and perforin in the cells and the contents of IFN-γ in the supernatants were determined by FCM and ELISA, respectively. The results showed that the recombinant strains increased the expression of IFN-γ + (4.33%) ofCD4 + T cells and IFN-γ + (7.68%) and perforin (17.50%) of CD8 + T cells, as well as the secretion of cytokines IFN-γ. The expression of IFN-γ + (P<0.001) and perforin (P<0.001) from VP6/VP7-specific CD8 + T cells of spleen and MLN were detected in vivo and the recombinant groups were significantly increased. Moreover, the recombinant groups significantly promoted the proliferation of T cells in the spleen (P<0.001). Our results confirmed that recombinant recombinant L. plantarum strains can effectively induce cellular immune response.
doi:10.21203/rs.2.20130/v2 fatcat:v5lmvmcu65hx5c625rdduxl7iq