Sequential Everolimus and Sunitinib Treatment in Pancreatic Metastatic Well-Differentiated Neuroendocrine Tumours Resistant to Prior Treatments

Anna Angelousi, Kimberly Kamp, Maria Kaltsatou, Dermot O'Toole, Gregory Kaltsas, Wouter de Herder
2017 Neuroendocrinology  
mPFS1 after first-line everolimus was longer (16.3 months) compared to sunitinib (9 months), this was not statistically significant ( p = 0.15). Sequential second-line treatment showed no difference in the mPFS2 ( p = 0.3). No difference in OS between the 2 groups was observed. Tolerability was better for everolimus compared to sunitinib. Conclusions : Treatment with sequential molecular target agents was well tolerated and associated with similar overall mPFS in both schemes of administration.
more » ... Larger prospective studies are required to investigate the long-term efficacy and sequence of administration of alternate therapy with molecular targeting agents in metastatic pNETs and their effect on OS.
doi:10.1159/000456035 pmid:28122378 fatcat:q3hsauwiojamzkxfoktkopiq44