Sensory-memory-based change detection in face stimuli

Ana Susac, Risto Ilmoniemi, Selma Supek
2010 Translational Neuroscience  
AbstractDetection of a change in face is a socially important skill. Both event-related potential (ERP) and magnetoencephalographic (MEG) measurements were conducted using face stimuli presented in an oddball paradigm to investigate detection of a change in face identity and facial expression. In condition 1, a nontarget deviant neutral face was presented among standard happy faces. In condition 2, the same deviant neutral face was presented with a standard neutral face of another person. The
more » ... sk in both conditions was silent counting of a second deviant (face with glasses). Non-target deviants elicited more negative ERP and corresponding MEG responses than standards in both conditions. This negativity was strongest at lateral posterior channels around 280 ms. Responses to the same deviant neutral face differed in two conditions. Deviance-related negativity resembled auditory mismatch negativity (MMN). Different responses to the same deviant in the two conditions suggest the existence of a sensory-memory trace for the standard to which the deviant was compared.
doi:10.2478/v10134-010-0042-7 fatcat:5xxjic2dmrf5plegbhp2v5aiqe