~ Journal of renal netlsm magnetic materials Magnetoresistance of (Znl_xMnx) 3As2 in region of hopping conductivity

R Laiho, K Lisunov, V Stamov, V Zahvalinsky
1995 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials   unpublished
Magnetoresistance (MR) of (Znl_xMnx)3As 2 (0 0.02 [2]. Another noticeable feature is the existence of a pronounced paramagnetic tail in the susceptibility curves x(T) below T~ 50 K [2]. In addition to these phenomena also a low-temperature spin-glass phase at T < 4 K has been observed [3]. Here we report results of magnetoresistance (MR) investigations of ZMA, made to complete recent low-temperature conductivity measurements of these alloys [4]. Single crystals of ZMA with 0.01 <x<0.13 were
more » ... n from stoichiometric amounts of Zn3As 2 and Mn3As 2 by using a modified Bridgeman method. The compositions and homogeneity of the samples were analyzed by X-ray and microprobe methods. MR measurements were made in fields of 0-4 T by using the six-probe dc technique. The specimens were cooled in a He exchange gas dewar and their temperature was controlled with an accuracy of 0.5%. As shown in Fig. 1, the relative magnetoresistance