A Study on the Improvement of Passenger Ship's Operational Environments in Wan-do Area
완도권 여객선 운항 환경 개선에 관한 연구

Nam-Kyun Im, Sang-Min Lee, Yu-Chang Seong
2013 Journal of Navigation and Port Research  
The sea traffic volume in Southwest sea including Wando area have increased every year. However the improvement of the facilities for convenience and safety in port and sea was not enough to meet the increasing demand of traffic and passengers' need. This study dealt with the situations and status of passenger ship traffic system in Wando area. In addition to, questionnaire survey of passenger ship user in Wando area was carried out in order to research the improvement of marine traffic system.
more » ... On the basis of the result, navigation risks in the area was analysed. The institutional system such as passenger ship fare, enhanced traffic system that can improve marine traffic environment in the area were suggested and examined. The urgent issue was the scattered fishing ground near fairway which makes narrow passage and can cause risky passeger ship's navigation. In the side of passeger ship's operation, the wage of cargo handling was relatively expensive that needed to be improved
doi:10.5394/kinpr.2013.37.6.581 fatcat:ly555ugrzzhvnmzbgbxczgbbay